You have an incredible Unconscious mind that is waiting for you to relax and let the magic happens.
Self-hypnosis is an incredible, natural, fast and effective way to reduce your anxiety.
We will together bring you to an altered state of mind that will allow your 'busy mind' to calm down and let the space to your subconscious to do all the work for you.
You have been creating some old programs based on past experiences which created some unwanted stress, anxiety, fear and worries of all sorts!
Self-Hypnosis -based on Simpson Protocol- is a very easy way to help you release those old programs.
My personal clients describe the experience as calming, soothing, and being 'present', yet being 'somewhere else' at the same time. They are always incredibly surprised to see how relax they feel after and the effect is immediate.
This is an incredible opportunity you can experience for the fraction of a private session.
Group sessions are extremely powerful because the presence of others enhance the effect. It becomes exponential. When you release your blockages, somehow, it also helps people around to release faster.

During this session:
We will work with your subconscious to increase your self-love, self-esteem, self-confidence and reconnect you to your Heart space.
Then we will release any old unconscious programs that you no longer need.
Finally, in the last part, we will do a collective healing around a community issue or if someone would like to help an animal or a person to heal. It has been demonstrated in the past that the power of elevated collective thoughts can help bringing harmony on a specific topic. See more about it by clicking HERE.
Places are limited for your comfort, so book in as soon as you can.
Early bird $47 (before Sunday 9 midnight).
After $57.
** to Bring**
Comfortable clothes you can breathe.
he deeply in, water, warm and soft blanket and a couple of pillows for extra comfort. Flow space has some bolsters and yoga mat, but you are welcome to bring your own mat. Some will want to lie down, some will want to sit. Either all if perfect.
For any question, contact me, I will be happy to answer any of your questions!
With Love,