Fast forward a decade. Jenny’s party-planning skills? Now reserved for toddler birthday parties where balloons popped and chocolate cake flew. Her life had changed in big ways:
A second long-term partner
A three-year-old boy who was cute but exhausting
A creeping sense that she was feeling lost.
She had to go back to work soon, but what work? Returning to retail felt soul-sucking.
But starting over? Terrifying...

One afternoon, during nap time (her son’s, not hers—though she wanted one), she was doom-scrolling Facebook when an ad popped up:
“Feeling stuck? Hypno-Coaching: Gain clarity, break free from your past, and step into your power.”
At first, she snorted. Hypno-what? Is this some Vegas magician trick?
But something tugged at her.
Jenny had tried everything to get out of her funk—self-help books, podcasts, even journaling (which lasted three days). Nothing clicked.

That ad stayed in her head. A day later, she went back on the website to find out more about “hypno-coaching”. She watched a video. Then another. Something about it felt... possible.
Two days later, she booked a free mindset assessment.
During the free meeting, her mind opened in ways she hadn’t expected. “You’ve been carrying the weight of others for years,” Lilly said gently. “But what if you could finally give yourself the permission to let it go?”
Three sessions for $600. It sounded like a lot... until it didn’t. Jenny realized she’d spent more on meaningless nights out. This? This was her life... and the possibility of a different future...
She signed up. Because if she didn’t invest in herself now, when would she?
Stay tuned for the final post showing Jenny in 10 years from now!