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7 shocking reasons why people suffer from anxiety

Writer's picture: Lilly@bodymindcareLilly@bodymindcare

Anxiety is everywhere. We look around, in our life, in our family, friends, colleagues... we know someone close who is suffering from anxiety. It spreads like white cat fur on a black jacket. It becomes a bigger problem every day creating inventive ways of expressions (heart palpitation, panic attacks, digestive issues, foggy head, skin disorders...).


What are the reasons anxiety is on top of the chart of mental health right now?

Based on Forbes March 2023 review, 42.5 millions of adult, only in the USA are affected by anxiety (see Forbes last stat here).

Let's have a closer look at these shocking reasons.

1- They live in the past.

Whether it is conscious or unconscious, people suffering from anxiety focus their attention to what happened in the past. They will remember an event that happened a month ago or years ago and they will create in their head a thousands of different scenarios with different feelings and emotions to 'try to' justify themselves. I don't know you, but I did it... a lot. Not as much now as I learned different ways to stop my mind to go to the past. The only person I was hurting doing this, was myself.

2- Their body encourage their mind to keep thinking the same way.

Because every memory creates a feeling, the body will remember it. If the mind is trying to stop it, the body, used to feel a certain way, will send strong signals to the mind to keep feeling like in the past.

Here is a little internal dialogue to illustrate:

The mind: It's ok, stop thinking about X, it's over, just breath and let go.

The body: Are you trying to tell yourself it doesn't matter what X said to you? Take this! I send you a jolt in your heart, feel this anger raising up! Wait... now, I send you this headache for trying to let it go! You conditioned me to feel a certain way and now you want me to feel a different way?

The mind: I can't believe X said that to me. I should have tell him this and that...

3- They build their future on their past.

They taught themselves over the years to think and react a certain way (anger, victim mode, guilt...), so anything they create in their life is based on the same feelings! Unless they decide to change it consciously, they will still react the same old way they learned in the past.

Example: K. was raised in a big family but she was shy. Her siblings were loud and they knew how to attract attention. Often, K. was 'transparent', no one really noticed her. She was quiet, in her own world, secretly hoping for someone to 'see' her. She was smart, she studied engineering. She wanted to work in a scientific field, but there was an entrance examination. She passed the first part (written essay). The second part was unfortunately a group examination. She completely failed. She was unable to express her opinion around people. She felt an imposter, not good enough... because she created the belief "I am transparent, nobody can notice me'. She ended up as a teacher in a college, teaching science to students that had no interest in learning this topic. While she could have had a career that would have been more stimulating for her thirst of knowledge, her own beliefs stopped her from thriving. Over time, it created bitterness, frustration and guilt. She just created her future based on her past.

4- They disconnected their mind from their heart.

Studies have shown that when the heart is in coherence, it sends a coherent signal to the mind, which in return, becomes coherent (calm, peaceful). A person suffering from anxiety has unconsciously disconnected their mind from their heart. They are only in their mind which is only in survival mode and send an incoherent signal to the heart which in return, send incoherent messages in the body (heart palpitation, panic attacks, foggy head, difficulties to concentrate...).

Picture from Dr Joe Dipenza research page. Image taken from Heart Math Institute.

5- They can't stay in the present moment.

Or so, they persuaded themselves they can't. They usually try 5 minutes to 'meditate' or do a breathing exercise then realize that in 2 seconds their mind is already somewhere else. They often think it is not for them. They can't do it; their mind doesn't work like 'that'.

Interestingly, if you promise $1 million to the same person but for that they must practice daily at least 1 hour a day for 1 year, I am pretty sure that suddenly the person will find some creative ways to achieve what is asked. So, it is not a 'mind' problem, but instead a willingness to change. And change demands commitment and training. Once the person starts to do the work and feel the benefits, usually the person do not want to go back to the old self and keep practicing.

6- They don't breathe properly.

Often anxiety creates shallow, short breath, using the upper chest. The diaphragm (the big muscle that is tucked in your rib cage and separate your upper chest from your organs) will not work properly. It may create cramps, stiffness, digestive issues, reflux, feeling of heavy chest or a knot in the stomach...). Why do you think breathing exercises are in trend at the moment? Because more and more people realize the importance of good breathing and the positive impact it has on our physiological system. To know more about it, I invite you to read/listen to "Breath" from James Nestor and "the Wim Hoff Method".

7- They believe they cannot change.

They suffer daily, their symptoms get worse, they have new health issues that are popping out of nowhere (when actually it is linked to anxiety), but they think they can't do anything about it. They wait patiently for the revolutionary 'pill' that will heal all their problems!

Let me tell you this: As long as we believe that we are not the cause of our own pain and misery, we won't get better. Epigenetic is the science that study the impact of our environment on our genes. They realized that while the environment has an impact on our genes, what will 'activate or not' the gene comes from within! That means that if you have the gene that 'can cause' breast cancer, it is your internal environment that will decide to activate OR NOT the genes. It means that you are not a victim, but YOU can change your inner environment to 'shut down' the gene responsible to a disease. Have a look at Dr Joe Dispenza research work HERE.

The good and amazing news is that anxiety is not a forever curse over the head. We, all of us have all the resources within to release anxiety. But it took some time to create it, it takes some time and commitment to change it. It is just a matter of changing our perception and our way of thinking. We just need to reeducate our mind and change the body responses.

My work led me naturally toward emotion releases through bodywork and altered state of consciousness (self-hypnosis). When you look at the picture showing emotions and heart coherence, you can see the different altered state of consciousness. Hypnosis is simply allowing the mind the focus within and not "outside". Self-hypnosis is an incredible tool that can help the person to go to their unconscious mind and create some immediate reliefs.

This coming Friday, I created a 2-hour workshop where you will practice breathing exercises and some little self-hypnosis exercises to help alleviating your anxiety.

*****The early bird price ends up tonight at midnight. Don't miss out this incredible gift you can offer to yourself!*****

Where: Flow Space, Alexandra
When: Friday 14th, 5-7pm
Price: Early bird (ends Sunday 9th midnight) $47
After $57
Online booking essential! Limited space

You just need to click on the button below that brings you to my website. You can pay directly. It is safe and secure.


This workshop will sooth your nervous system. You will feel calmer, lighter with a deeper sense of peace. You may even feel some of your symptoms releasing over the following days.

If you do not feel any of these feelings after the workshop and/or within the following 48h of the workshop,

I will reimburse fully your ticket!

No questions asked.

Ready to take action and change your old habits?

Book Now before your next symptoms flares up!

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