I'm happy to start this new adventure and share some articles about subjects that passionate me.
As my business is going toward a mix of massage and hypnosis therapy, I will share some posts in both languages, English and French, depending on my mood and the subject! After all, we have now this amazing tool google translation that is getting better every month!
I might do some grammar mistake, spare me, I do my best, English being my second language ;)
This blog is about spirituality, about inner self transformation, about earth shifting consciousness, about massage and signification of pains in our body. Those are subjects that I love talking about. We are all evolving and everyday with every new experience we are changing. So what I am today is different from what I was yesterday and different from what I will be tomorrow. It means that I express my truth at this moment with the knowledge, I have at this moment. It does not mean I have the truth. I think we all have our own one. It is more a way of sharing where I am, what I understand at this present moment. So take what resonates in you and discard the rest. Do your own research and never take granted something that someone else say.
This blog is a sharing platform which will be based on non-judgmental comments. We all have our own truth and as we are all unique, we all have our unique truth. You are welcome to leave comments, I actually would love it!
Here is a message I received few days ago by my guides that I wanted to share with you for this first post:
Take everyday as a present, stay True, speak your Truth as much as you can without judging anyone, anything or yourself.
One evolves on his own way and you never know when the person you judged will transform to become who he truly IS.
Be Happy in each moment in your life, in any task you do, even if it seems futile or boring.
Being happy in every daily task is truly living the present moment and Be within your True Self which IS.
Love each others and yourself as equal.
Have a great day!