Over the last few weeks, I’ve been receiving numerous downloads from the Golden Beings.
These insights come to me during meditation, while giving massages, listening to podcasts, and even in my sleep. Along with these downloads, many old memories have surfaced. Before diving into who the Golden Beings are, I feel compelled to share a bit about my childhood. Writing about this publicly isn’t easy—it feels scary from a human perspective because of the fear of being ridiculed, judged, or mocked. Yet, I sense the timing is now. I need to embrace this change with trust and faith, as this information is part of the cosmic disclosure unfolding at this moment.

From a very young age, I’ve been drawn to the 'invisible' and the concept of extra-dimensional life. Like many children, I often dreamed of flying, and I never felt truly alone, even as an only child. I could sense the presence of something around me. One specific memory stands out—a moment in my crib when I saw what we might call a 'grey' being watching me. This memory resurfaced recently during a self-hypnosis session. Initially, I felt afraid, believing it intended to harm me. But now, after releasing many fear-based beliefs, I sense that we communicated telepathically. I don’t recall what we 'talked about,' but I feel it was a positive exchange.
Later in my childhood, I began having a recurring, apocalyptic dream.
It always started with the crash of a plane and a sense that "something had happened on Earth." In these dreams, there were never any humans—only deserted landscapes. To this day, I don’t fully understand the meaning. However, I had one final dream connected to it, and it was unforgettable.

In the dream, I was sitting on metal stairs outside an industrial building. The air was warm and quiet, with old papers blowing in the wind. Again, there were no signs of human life—it felt as though something significant had happened. Beside me, on my left, was another being, and we seemed to be communicating telepathically. That’s when I realized I had a different body—an androgynous, golden form. The being beside me was similar, with a gem in the center of his chest. While I can’t recall its color, I sensed I had a gem too, though of a different hue. If I had to ascribe a gender, I would say the energy felt more masculine than feminine.

We both felt it was time to enter the building. Inside, I saw beings of various shapes and sizes, speaking in different languages. There was a palpable tension and uncertainty in the room. This part of the dream is blurry, but I remember someone stepping forward to address everyone. Then, the dream abruptly ended, leaving me with a blackout of memory. After that, the dreams stopped entirely. I was probably in my early twenties when this final dream occurred. Life moved on for 15 years…
When I arrived in New Zealand in late 2011, my journey of dismantling old belief systems began. The deeper work truly started in 2017, as I explored techniques to free myself from conditioned thinking—Vipassana meditation retreats, Raynor massage, hypnosis, meditation, and other bodywork modalities.
Over the past 2–3 years, I’ve worked intensively on releasing as many limiting beliefs as possible. The year 2024 has brought another profound shift. I’ve let go of many fear-based programs and have started experiencing moments of indescribable joy and pure bliss. Initially, these feelings were fleeting—lasting only half a second—but they were so powerful that nothing else mattered in those moments. Everything felt perfect, and I was simply happy.
By November or December 2024, these feelings began to linger a bit longer. They often arise during massages but also at random times. The intensity is so overwhelming that it sometimes brings me to tears of bliss. These moments don’t last more than 30 seconds, but they are transformative.
As these experiences grow and become more tangible, the presence of the Golden Beings has returned strongly. Some of the information I’m receiving isn’t yet fully conscious. I sense that I need to trust myself more, release my fear of judgment, and allow the information to flow freely.
Today, after an 'automatic writing' session, I decided to create this blog category and see where it takes us.
If you’ve read this far, I encourage you to use your own discernment and trust your intuition. What I share here is simply the information I receive. Like everyone, I still have an ego-mind and limiting beliefs that can distort the message, much like viewing an object through water—it’s slightly altered by our own filters.
In future posts, I’ll delve deeper into the information I’ve received.

I’ll leave you with this: We are at a pivotal point in our evolution as human beings. We are on the brink of witnessing incredible changes in the structure of our society and planet. To navigate this shift, we must work on ourselves to sustain the new vibration that is already here but not yet stabilized. Stabilization, it seems, is a significant role for the Golden Beings.
Stay tuned for the next message.