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Ce post provient d'un groupe suggéré

This short video explains in a simple way the difference between quantum mechanics and quantum field theory.

Ce post provient d'un groupe suggéré

Il y a 30 jours · a modifié la description du groupe.

Welcome to the group!

It is a group where you can share, engage and discuss on topics about belief systems, unconscious programs, meditation, quantum field theory and mindset in general.

Please respect the rules of respect, no spaming, no self-promotion. Any infringement will remove you permanently from the group.

It is a space of cooperation, support and positive engagement.

Ce post provient d'un groupe suggéré

Welcome to this group!

The topics are around mindset, belief systems, unconscious program and quantum field theory.

It's a safe place to explore, share about this topic.

Please stay courteous and supporting or you will be removed permanently.

Ce post provient d'un groupe suggéré

Welcome to our group New mindset New Life! A space for us to connect and share with each other. Start by posting your thoughts, sharing media, or creating a poll.

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