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Who are the Golden Beings?

Writer's picture: Lilly@bodymindcareLilly@bodymindcare

Not long ago, I began receiving new information from the Golden Beings.

I first encountered these beings in my early twenties (see the first post here), but I "lost conscious contact" with them for over 20 years. Recently, they have returned, and it feels like the time has come to share their roles and why they are here on Earth at this pivotal moment.

Light and galaxy

You may or may not be aware, but the planet Earth is undergoing a shift in consciousness. Significant changes are on the horizon, provided people are ready for this transformation.

For years, I’ve been practicing automatic writing, keeping the messages I received to myself. However, the recent downloads have been so profound that I feel compelled to share this information. As mentioned in my previous post, I still have an ego-mind and some limiting beliefs, so what I transmit comes filtered through my own perspective. I encourage you not to take my words as absolute truth but to trust your own intuition. All I can do is share what I feel guided to. Perhaps it’s just an active imagination—who knows!

Earth, like any creation, is evolving toward Consciousness, Source, or Oneness—whatever name resonates with you.

The Golden Beings have no inherent shape or form. They appear as "golden beings" only when they need to communicate with specific species. They don’t use technology to travel because they don’t need it; they materialize as required. Their role is very specific and limited to a particular timeframe, after which they leave.

A Return to Creation: Understanding the Shift

The Universe simply IS. However, it is not as it appears to us. From a human perspective, we can only perceive a small fragment of what truly IS. While in these physical bodies, our understanding is limited. Any explanation of this vast concept is, therefore, a simplified version of something far beyond words or images.

To put it simply, Source is in a state of constant expansion. Within this expansion exists contraction, which gives birth to the next cycle of growth—much like the rhythm of breath. Each exhale expands lung capacity, preparing the body to take in even more with the next inhale, and so on.

Ai image. Sun, source expansion

Source consists of vibration and light, working together in harmony. The electromagnetic field is the balance between light and vibration. Light serves as the conductor and tapestry of creation, while vibration provides the structural framework that holds this creation together.

Humans can perceive only a limited spectrum of light, which shapes the world they experience. This perception is co-created with the collective vibration of a given time. As consciousness evolves, moving closer to light, more colors and possibilities are revealed. For example, if you lived during the Middle Ages, you would have perceived "fewer colors" than you do now. Consciousness expands the spectrum of light, and with it, creation evolves.

Why the Golden Beings Are Here

There are moments in evolution when the expansion of light reaches such a degree that a new structure is required to support it. Humanity is currently at this threshold. This shift doesn’t only affect humankind; it also impacts other beings and realms interconnected with Earth.

Golden being restructuring DNA

Humans have evolved enough to transition to a higher state of consciousness. This requires a restructuring of DNA, not just for humans but for the entire creation linked to them, including Earth and all its realms. This is when the Golden Beings are called upon.

Every solar system has a sun, which serves as a powerful stargate for instantaneous travel. Imagine a vast cosmic web where each crossing point is a sun. Source is the web, aware of every connection. The Golden Beings are the gate-builders, materializing through the Sun during periods of expansion. Their role is to facilitate this process alongside other beings, such as the Pleiadians, Arcturians, and more.

Initially, the Golden Beings observe without interference—it is not their role to act prematurely. However, when a strong consensus toward a conscious shift emerges, they become more active. They may even incarnate in physical forms to accelerate the stabilization process.

The Process of Stabilization

When awareness of Oneness and the potential for its expansion reaches a critical point, the entire creation must stabilize this new structure across all levels—from the densest physical forms to the most subtle energetic realms.

Representation of timelines within consciousness

This work isn’t limited to a single timeline. For a shift to occur, all timelines that have been created must be addressed. Every thought, action, or word creates a timeline. Negative thoughts and emotions crystallize these timelines, causing splits that hinder evolution. To move forward, these timelines must "collapse," releasing the emotional charge that holds them in place.

When someone revisits a traumatic memory and releases the associated emotions, the memory "flattens." It becomes like an old book—its story remains, but it holds no emotional weight. Once this collapse occurs, the shift can happen. Humanity is now at this point. For the collective shift to take place, individuals must release their limiting beliefs and recognize they are not their stories or their bodies.

When enough timelines have collapsed, the real transformation can begin.

The Role of the Golden Beings in Expansion

Golden being

The Golden Beings create new "coding" across all levels of creation to support the higher vibration. Once their work is complete, they leave, allowing the new creation to continue its expansion independently.

That’s all for today. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment or email me directly.

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